HTML5 The definition of 'History.pushState()' in that specification. Recommendation: Initial definition. Browser compatibility. The compatibility table on this page is generated from structured data. If you'd like to contribute to the data, please check o

In an HTML document, the history.pushState() method adds a state to the browser's session history stack.. Syntax history.pushState(state, title[, url])Parameters state The state object is a JavaScript object which is associated with the new history entry created by pushState().Whenever the user navigates to the new state, a popstate event is fired, and the state property of the event contains Ajouter et modifier des entrées de l'historique. HTML5 a introduit les méthodes history.pushState() et history.replaceState(), qui permettent, respectivement, d'ajouter et de modifier des entrées de l'historique.Ces méthodes fonctionnent conjointement avec l'événement onpopstate.. L'utilisation de history.pushState() change le référent créé habituellement dans l'en-tête HTTP pour The HTML5 history spec is quirky.. history.pushState() doesn't dispatch a popstate event or load a new page by itself. It was only meant to push state into history. This is an "undo" feature for single page applications. You have to manually dispatch a popstate event or use history.go() to navigate to the new state. The idea is that a router can listen to popstate events and do the navigation

Currently I have a site that is being indexed by google that is using the pushState() html5 functionality to dynamically load all hyperlinked content, and google is not crawling past the front page. You either have to go back to using ugly hashbangs, or use the pushState() functionality with a sitemap.xml file and hope that works. I'm going to test out the sitemap.xml file with the pushState

03/08/2015 Passer des urls hashbang (#!) au HTML5 pushState 30 May 2013 seo ajax Mon dernier article sur le référencement d’une application Ajax s’appuyait entièrement sur les recommandations de Google pour l’indexation d’une application Javascript et notamment le hack du hashbang. Seulement, peu de temps après avoir écrit cet article, je me suis rendu compte que le hasbang n’était pas

3 Aug 2015 Now I intend to extend that topic by covering the HTML5 History pushState method. History API. Open your browser' console and type window.

Now, with HTML5 coming of age, there is a new feature that aims to replace the use of location.hash with a better solution: pushState. Over on the Spoiled Milk blog, Jamie Appleseed describes the API as “a way to change the URL displayed in the browser through JavaScript without reloading the page.”